Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Interfaith trip to a Gurdwara

Today was a momentous day for Lawrencville, NJ and for the Sikhs of Princeton. Today, people of five different religions participated in a Sikh prayer service at the Gurdwara of Lawrenceville. Invited by the Sikhs of Princeton, students of various religious faiths including Catholic, Hindu and Muslim walked into the Gurdwara hand in hand as a family. Not only did it strengthen the bond between group the  but it sent a giant message to the world. It reinforced the ideals of respect for all religions, not just tolerance but respect. The fact that these students actually participated and felt at home in a Sikh Gurdwara shows the world that interfaith peace and harmony can exist.
Kirtan (religious songs) were sung with lyrics and translations on a giant screen. Everyone in the group was able to understand the divinity behind each word and the profoundness of the universal teachings. Community lunch called langar was beautifully served by members of the congregation who made endless rounds making sure everyone had thirds and fourths of everything they liked. The love and hospiltality enhanced the flavor of the food and the richness of the entire experience.

It does not stop here. The Sikhs of Princeton will take the Muslim Students Association on March 27th to the same Gurdwara and plan on taking every single religious group on the Princeton campus to learn and share the beauty of Sikhism.

Blog post written by Shikha Uberoi, member of Religious Life Council, Sikhs of Princeton as well as Vice President of Princeton Hindu Satsangam

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